
Monday, 29 April 2019


Immersion Assembly

Welcome back to term 2 today we had to go to the assembly that they were holding. Mr Jacobson  built a robot not a real one though. He built it because we are learning about latitude, latitude is about coordinate of the north and south position. Every team leader go's up on the stage to present their theme of the term.

the first team that went up on the stage was team 1. They are learning about bees and what is killing the bees. Team 2 was next they are learning about direction's. team 3 are learning about pick a path, pick a path is when you pick what path you want to take. Team 4 is compus and a map, my team, team 5 we are doing virtual travel agency. (That is this look photo)

Miss Tapuke got to choose 3 continents. when she was choosing the Country's people were welcoming her.  When she arrived to the country that she choose she got to know what the percentage that they gave her. (Sorry i didn't explain what is latitude)  latitude is about north and south position of a point on the earths the surface.   

Thursday, 11 April 2019

guest of speakers

Today the 10th of April team 5 got to talk about our careers. The people that was talking to us was Jason Young, Fiona Bakulich and Tanielu Tele’a.  They explained their life and their journey to be in the job they are in right now. Jason job is dysart and he also did triathlon iron man, Fiona is a funeral director, tanielu is a rugby player for the blues team. We also got to ask them questions at the end.  

Friday, 5 April 2019

complex sentences

this week i am learning how to do complex sentences. complex sentences are like for an example while he ate his lunch he read the newspaper it just means detail sentences.